Types Of Bottled Water

Types of Bottled Water

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Coin Operated Water Vending Machine

Coin Operated Water Vending Machine

[siteorigin_widget class=”LSOW_Hero_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] What is Coin operated water vending machine? Coin operated water vending machines and units are the new thing on the block. These are similar to a coin operated telephones where in you can insert a coin and water gets dispensed for that amount. Typically you get 20 Litre water filled for just Rs Read more about Coin Operated Water Vending Machine[…]

Bottled Water Suppliers

Bottled Water Suppliers

[siteorigin_widget class=”LSOW_Hero_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Bottled water suppliers of 20 litres water Can are so critical for home, small office and corporate office, schools, events and even hospitals. Typically bottled water suppliers are either direct distributors or individual suppliers for a particular brand like Bisleri, AquaSure or even local brands like Gravels Premium. Bottled water suppliers take franchise Read more about Bottled Water Suppliers[…]


Water Purification Methods

[siteorigin_widget class=”LSOW_Hero_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Reverse Osmosis (RO) Based Packaged Drinking Water Manufacturing Process This article emphasizes on water purification methods and processes in the context of RO based packaged drinking water manufacturing. Manufacturing process for packaged drinking water is essentially a purification process of raw water through different treatments in conformance with BIS standard IS 14543. In Read more about Water Purification Methods[…]

Packaged Drinking Water

What is packaged drinking water?

[siteorigin_widget class=”LSOW_Hero_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Packaged drinking water means water derived from any source of potable water which may be subjected to treatments such as, decantation, filtration, combination of filtrations, aeration, filtration with membrane filter, depth filter, cartridge filter, activated carbon filtration, demineralization, remineralization, reverse osmosis or any other method to meet the prescribed standard and packed. It Read more about What is packaged drinking water?[…]